Worship Committee
Worship is a way to connect with others and create a shared emotional experience.
Worship is a way to explore how individual lives fit into a larger whole.
Worship is a way to nurture the spirit and search for truth.
Worship is a way to learn to live with more wisdom, compassion, and connection.
Worship is a way to mark important human milestones.
Who We Are
The Worship Committee consists of the minister and members of First Unitarian Church of St. Louis. Members come from different backgrounds, adhere to different theological identities, share different talents and strengths; but, we are all united in our goal to bring meaningful worship experiences to our congregation each Sunday and at other special times during our congregational year. Our members do this through our support and collaborate with our minister and members of the church staff.
What We Do
Members of the Committee meet once a month in person and via the Worship Committee Zoom Room. Committee members develop and participate in workshops for worship assistants.
Committee Members may also provide supplemental resources, for example, music selection, effective worship space development, communications and other arrangements, including soliciting feedback from the congregation regarding the worship experience.
Additional Duties
The Worship Committee also takes responsibility for planning additional services when the minister is out of the pulpit. This averages one Sunday per month during the church year and approximately ten services during the summer season. This planning may involve arranging for guest speakers, visiting ministers, or recruiting service leaders from among our own congregation.
Our Inspiration
The Worship Committee draws inspiration from the Living Tradition of Unitarian Universalism. Our faith adapts to new experiences, new understandings, and new challenges. Our worship practices adapt too. We look to balance tradition and innovation while advancing the mission of First Unitarian Church of St. Louis. This is done by instilling a culture of quality and care with attention paid to supporting an open-hearted ministry.
The Worship Committee meets monthly. Curious about becoming a Worship Assistant or joining the Worship Committee? Contact Administrator Lynn Hunt at (email hidden; JavaScript is required)