The Young Adult Group (YAG) promotes fellowship and friendship among persons in their 20’s and 30’s through service, learning, and shared experiences. They meet monthly in-person once a month at the church, and monthly outside of church. For specific days, see schedule below. Contact Sam Rezansoff (she/her) for more information.
Third Sunday Monthly YAG Planning Meeting - After service, the YAG meets in the Youth Room to review activities from the previous month, and plan upcoming events for the following months. Meetings typically last an hour, and involve an introduction, brief sharing circle, and planning. Grab a beverage and donut from the Fellowship Hall & join us when the bell rings. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Young Adult Group uses Discord to communicate and connect with one another. The platform offers text, voice & video chat. We have groups broken down into different interest areas (or threads) which include everything from a general chat to notes from past meetings to a space to organize spontaneous plans with one another!
To join, reach out to (email hidden; JavaScript is required)
& request to be connected to a member of the YAG who will send you the static link. An administrator will review your information & allow admittance.
Bread Baking
During the month of December, we honor our staff and homebound members by baking quick bread at the church. We gather on a Saturday in the afternoon, and enjoy a potluck of snacks and take turns mixing, baking and packaging bread. We coordinate with the Care & Concern Team who then delivers the bread to recipients. Bring a board game and join us for an afternoon of service and community! The date is chosen during the planning meetings in October/November
In November, we gather to enjoy a potluck and fellowship with one another. Come as you are, enjoy a board game, music and company of others. The date is chosen during the planning meetings in August/October.
Covenant Group
On the second Sunday of each month, we sit down and engage with the more spiritual aspects of ourselves. Materials are provided in advance of the meeting so that you may review and reflect upon them, then share (at your comfort level) how the material spoke to you. Resources are provided in our Discord for your review. Rules for how to show up for one another in the meeting are also available there.
Spontaneous Events
Using Discord, members may request company to participate in various events around the city. Feel free to attend as you are comfortable. It’s also a great place to find out more about activities within the city that you otherwise may not know about!