Music at First Church
The joy of making music is an essential part of our worship and wider church life. At First Church, you'll experience music from many traditions and many time period, including classical, gospel, folk, jazz, world music, and even music composed by our own members and other Unitarian-Universalist composers.
Best of all, the music program at First Church invites you to participate fully in the musical life of this community. Whether you're a music lover or a musician yourself, First Church is a place where you can explore your musical interests and even discover new ones!
Music for Worship
Services at First Church create a spiritual and communal experience, with theme, texts and music that offer participants something of meaning to take with them throughout their busy week.
- Special music may feature the First Unitarian Choir or member or guest musicians. Special music complements the theme of the service throughout the church year with wide variety of musicians and musical styles.
- Our Dobson pipe organ fills the sanctuary with a grand sound many Sundays of the year.
- The First Unitarian Choir, our 30-voice adult choir, is directed by Dr. Knapp and is accompanied by Earl Naylor. The choir performs on selected Sundays at the 10 a.m. worship service and during Special Music Sundays. Anthems and offertories performed by the choir draw on traditional choral repertoire drawn from multiple faith traditions as well as a wide variety of contemporary styles. New voices in all voice parts are welcome!
- Guest musicians, drawn from our own rich pool of talent within First Church as well as the wider metropolitan St. Louis performing arts community, further enrich the musical experience at First Church. Guest musicians provide special music on non-choir Sundays as well as collaborate with our music staff and choir on special occasions. We proudly support emerging young talent, including student musicians from our own congregation and area universities.