Get to Know Us
Now that you've found us, please get to know us and let us get to know you!
- First, we suggest that you attend several Sunday services to help you get a feel for the church and congregation. You will be greeted at the front door by a Member of our Board of Trustees, who will give you a visitor name tag, direct you to the sanctuary, and introduce you to our Religious Educator, Ben Rosensweig, if you have children. Ben will help get your children settled into the appropriate classes.
- After the service, please sign the Newcomer Book in the foyer. You'll receive our weekly e-news and other announcementsl or regular mail so that you can see all of the many activities, events, and service opportunities at First Church.
- Also after the service, please attend coffee hour to meet people and join the lively conversation.
- Once a month, Reverend Kim Mason offers a Newcomer Chat. This session provides information about our church history and Unitarian Universalist theology, and gives you a chance to ask any questions you may have. It's also a great way to meet other church newcomers. Watch for the next scheduled Newcomer Chat in the weekly e-news or on the Church Calendar.
- Also, watch for when Reverend Mason offers an Adult Education class that covers UU history and theology in greater depth. You will also have a chance to reflect on your own spiritual journey and discuss spirituality with the other class participants. The weekly e-news and Church Calendar will announce the next scheduled class.
- One of the best ways to strengthen your connections within the church is to join a Covenant Group. Covenant Groups are small groups of people who meet on a regular basis to discuss spirituality and Members' personal journeys. Each group has one or more facilitators who are trained in guiding the structured discussions. Covenant Groups serve to enrich the lives of its participants.
Church Membership
Friends are individuals and families who attend First Church but have not formalized their commitment by signing the Membership Book. Like Members, most Friends generously give their volunteer time and financial support, and are integral to the life of the church.
By signing the Membership Book, you will be able to vote in all church elections and have a voice in important church matters. Ours is a congregational church, meaning that the church is governed by its own congregation not by a central denominational authority or hierarchy. Members formally gather to vote on church leadership and other business at our Annual Church Meeting in May.
We ask all Members to participate in the life of the church by contributing their time and talents, and by providing financial support commensurate with their individual economic situation. Membership carries the commitment to support the church in ways that are appropriate to you.
Ready for Membership?
Wonderful! Anyone who wishes to join our congregation as a member may sign the membership book on the last Sunday of each month shortly after the service. The minister or a board officer will meet you on the Chancel in our Sanctuary! We welcome you to our religious community.
Or you can arrange to sign the Membership Book by calling or e-mailing Reverend Kim Mason:314-361-0595, ext. 22, (email hidden; JavaScript is required)
or Church Administrator Lynn Hunt: ext. 23; (email hidden; JavaScript is required)
You will sign the Membership Book in the presence of Reverend Mason or a Board officer (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer). Once you have signed, you will receive a Membership Packet with complete information about Membership, church bylaws, and more. As a Member, you will also receive UU World, the quarterly magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).