When are your Sunday Services?
We meet for worship each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. A member of the Board of Trustees will be in the foyer to welcome you when you arrive.
What do people wear to this church?
You may wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. You may dress up or dress casually. For Sunday services, adults wear everything from suits to jeans. Children are encouraged to wear clothes appropriate to the activities in which they will be involved.
What do children do during the service?
On most Sundays, families begin the morning in the worship service together, with the children exiting for their Religious Education classes after the 'Story for All Ages.'
May my child stay with me during the service?
Is nursery care available?
Yes, nursery care is available during all services for children through 3 years of age.
How do I get there?
First Unitarian Church is located at 5007 Waterman Boulevard, at the corner of Waterman and Kingshighway in the Central West End. It is three blocks north of Lindell Boulevard. See our map of the area to orient yourself to local landmarks and streets.
How large is your congregation?
First Church has about 230 members, and 30 children and youth are enrolled in the religious education classes that meet during our worship service.
Will I be welcomed in this congregation?
Yes! Everyone is welcome, whatever your age, ethnicity, race, sex, sexual orientation, physical challenge, religion, or political affiliation.
Is your church accessible?
Yes. We have accessible parking and entrances, with accessible restrooms which are also gender inclusive on two levels. An elevator and a ramp allow accessibility between floors within the building. Headsets with FM receivers broadcasting the sanctuary service are available from the ushers and operate both within the sanctuary and elsewhere in the building.
What happens during the Sunday worship services?
We have a long church tradition of outstanding sermons, and therefore the heart of each service is usually the readings and the sermon by the minister or guest preacher. Music is spread throughout the service, some sung by the congregation, and some performed by the choir or guest artists. The totality of the morning's service is intended to be an experience that moves us and makes us think throughout the day and the week. After the service, everyone is invited to coffee hour in Fellowship Hall for refreshments and conversation.
What is the music like at the worship services?
Our talented Music Director/Organist and Choir Director lead our outstanding music program. Our choir sings about twice a month, and outstanding guest artists are often brought in to perform. Many times these guest artists are members of the congregation. The music ranges from Bach and Handel to African American spirituals and Old English hymns.
Do you pray in your church?
Our services include a time for prayer or meditation, but the definition of prayer varies widely from person to person.
What makes First Church different from other churches?
There is no test of creed to join. We are bound together by the idea expressed by one of the first Unitarians, Francis David, over four hundred years ago: we "need not think alike to love alike." In our Sunday School we do not teach our children what they should believe, but we encourage them to explore the world of religious thought and come to their own understandings in a supportive community.
What do Unitarian Universalists believe? Are you Christian?
We identify with a wide variety of beliefs. Although Unitarianism grew out of the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe, it began as a Christian heresy, when Unitarian thinkers began to question the authority of creeds and dogmas. The name Unitarian comes from their denial of the canonical doctrine of the trinity. One might say, however, that Unitarians strive to follow the example of Jesus' life rather than the various belief structures that were created by men long after his death.
How does a Unitarian Universalist observe Christmas?
With great Joy! A large tree goes up in the sanctuary which we decorate at our traditional Hanging of the Greens evening. One of the most treasured traditions of the church is the annual Christmas Pageant, which involves our children from infants through high school. On Christmas Eve we enjoy candlelight services with readings from the gospels and traditional carols.
How do I meet other people at First Church?
Come to Fellowship Hall after the service, where you can meet many of our members. Sign the New Comer book so that you can get our weekly e-news and see what we're about. You're bound to find some activities that you'd like to participate in a class, a special interest group or one of our social responsibility projects. Once you discover something that's especially interesting to you, you can contact the person who's coordinating it or you can simply show up and join in.
Have we answered your questions?
If we haven't answered your particular question in this FAQ page, please contact the church office at 314-361-0595 for more information.