Love is the spirit of this church, and service its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.
Reverend James Vila Blake, 19th century Unitarian minister
Welcome to a Beloved Community
Newcomers to our church are seeking an open and inclusive spiritual home, a place for fellowship and community, an opportunity to serve, and a Sunday school where children develop their inner spiritual beings, learn to explore and respect the diverse paths of the world's religions, and extend the blessings of their lives to the world around them.
Here you will find a place where you will be welcomed and included regardless of your age, gender, affectional orientation, race, or family status. We're glad you found us!
Click here for a short video introduction to Unitarian Universalist congregations -- video.
Fill out our Newcomer Form to receive our Enews and more information on programming
Our Sunday Morning Services
Service is at 10:00 am. A coffee hour of amiable fellowship (and donuts!) follow service.
You'll Find Us in the Central West End
First Church is located at the northwest corner of Kingshighway and Waterman Boulevard. You'll find visitor parking in our main parking lot on the west side of the church. Feel free to park in our lot or across the street in the Central Reform Congregation parking lot. Street parking is also available on Kingshighway on Sunday morning.
Come On In!
Once you walk through our front doors on Waterman you'll be greeted by a Member of the Board of Trustees, who will give you a yellow visitor name tag. If you'd like to receive our newsletter to see the many church activities and events happening in the coming weeks, simply write your e-mail address in the Visitor Book outside the sanctuary after the service.
Religious Education for Children
Children usually start out in the worship service with their parents, then go to their classrooms following the Story for All Agesl. If your children would rather stay with you in the worship service, that's okay too!
First Unitarian offers religious programming for children in grades Pre-K through High School.
Questions? Contact Danielle Kozemczak, Director of Religious Education and Communications (email hidden; JavaScript is required)
Sunday Worship
Our Sunday services are about an hour in length, and include readings from a wide array of sources, wonderful music from our adult choir and guest musicians, and thoughtful sermons by our minister, Rev. Kim Mason.
After the Worship Service
Following the service, please join us in our Fellowship Hall for coffee, donuts, and friendly socializing.
Newcomers Chat
This orientation touches on Unitarian Universalist history and theology, why our church is significant within the denomination, and how involvement in this community might enrich your own personal or spiritual journey. Watch for the next scheduled Newcomers Chat in the weekly e-news or on the Church Calendar.
We would love for you to become a part of this beloved community. There are many ways, big and small, for Friends and Members of First Church to become involved in the life of the church and surrounding community.
Becoming a Member of the church is a personal decision that deepens the bond between you and the other Members of the congregation.
The procedure itself is easy: You simply sign your name in the church Membership book in the presence of the minister or an officer of the Board of Trustees. It does not require you to swear to any oaths or creeds. However, it is not to be done lightly, since becoming a Member signifies your willingness to commit a measure of your time, talents and financial resources to the life of First Church. Membership classes are held several times a year.
We have a number of resources to help you along the Journey to Membership.