First Unitarian Church of St. Louis is governed by a Polilcy Board and Church Council, working in partnership with our Minister who functions as Head of Staff. The Board oversees primary and long-term goals of the church. It consists of elected Officers. A President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and elected Board Members.
The Council is also an elected body. It consists of representatives, from clusters of committees and programs, of active leaders in the church.
Clikc here to view an organizational chart of church governance.
A slate of candidates is proposed by a nominating committee each year in April and then voted on by the entire congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting in May. The Board meets on the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm at church and visitors are welcome.
If you would like to see our current Policy Board and Church Council Roster, click here: Current Board & Church Council Roster
Prior Policy Board members (1998/1999 - 2018/2019) are listed here: History Chart of Elected Policy Board Leadership.pdf
Prior Policy Board and Church Council members from 2019/2020 forward are listed here: History Chart of Elected starting 2019 (for website).pdf
For minutes of Board, Church Council, Congregational Meetings, Annual Reports, Position Descriptions of Elected Leadership and church Governance Policies please see: On Line Forms and Documents page.
If you would like to read our current by-laws, click HERE.
The most important work of our church is created by our Committees and Task Forces. To see a list of these groups click here: Committees of the Church