Worship Services
Our worship changes with the seasons. Please check the homepage and newsletter for up-to-date information on our services. Services are in person and on YouTube every Sunday at 10:00 am.
Enliven Your Mind, Fortify Your Spirit
Sunday Services are the vital center of First Unitarian Church's congregational life.
We come together on Sunday mornings to uphold and celebrate what is of ultimate worth and value in human living. Our worship services provide a setting for creating community, and for providing spiritual encouragement, stimulation and growth.
Our main sanctuary is warm and inviting. It creates an atomosphere that draws from the formal past, with dark wooden pews, high chancel and traditional organ music. The services are enriched by our outstanding music program, with its blend of traditional church music and innovative compostions. In our sanctuary, a string quartet may be heard one week and a soprano singing show tunes the next. Worship often features high quality organ and choral performances.
We enjoy sermons of considerable intellectual content, spanning the philosophical and spiritual breadth of many of the world's faith traditions, great literature and poetry, the liberal religious heritage and Unitarian Universalist history. From the words spoken, through times of silence, meditation or prayer, our worship draws on the whole of the human experience.
You are invitied to join us in Fellowship Hall immediately after the service for refreshments, conversation and fellowship. All in all, our Sunday morning worship services inform, stimulate, inspire, soothe, challenge and energize. They are meant to enliven and fortify the mind and spirit.