The Unfish Fry needs you! Friday March 21st from 5:30pm-7pm the Unfish Fry Crew will be serving an all vegetarian meal that will be open to the public and we need your help.
Fun, good times and good food are promised for all. If you are interested in helping in any way: from cooking at church or baking at home to selling tickets or helping wash dishes and cleaning up, please join us! Being part of the Unfish Fry crew is a great way for new or long-term members to have fun getting to know people. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall or on google docs at this link (insert link) , the Unfish Fry Crew needs you!
Tickets will be on sale Sunday March 2nd in Fellowship hall after the service, at the church office, or at the door. Adult tickets are $10 and children’s tickets are $6. This event supports the Religious Education program Everyone is highly encouraged to attend and invite friends, relatives, or co-workers! This is a great opportunity to enjoy good food and fellowship and introduce people to Unitarian Universalism. The Unfish Fry Crew will see you there!
Unfish volunteers - There will be a brief meeting for volunteers after service on March 16th at 11:45AM in the Clark Room. Please come by to discuss our plan for this year!
Click on the QR Code to Volunteer: