Notice is hereby given that a Special Congregational Meeting of the First Unitarian Church of St. Louis will take place on Sunday April 23, 2023 at 5007 Waterman Blvd., St. Louis, MO 11:30 am.
The Special Meeting shall be conducted in person and using the electronic meeting platform Zoom which will be hosted within the boundaries of the City of St. Louis.
Business before the congregation will be:
Whether to withdraw from the Endowment $150,000 to address water management repairs and refinements to the property at 5007 Waterman Blvd. Projects include:
Replacement and modification of the Religious Education Roof
Replacement or repair of the West Flat Roof
Library Wall (exterior) repair
Gutter Replacement
Fellowship Hall Window Well Repair
Hosmer Room Bay repairs
More information to follow.
More information from the Facilities Cluster available here.
Church Endowment Fund Policy
Type. The General Endowment Fund is a Policy Board Directed Donor Restricted Endowed Fund.
Committee. Policy Board.
Investments. Invested in Church’s Pooled Investments.
Purpose. The congregation is committed to the long term financial health and stability of the Church. A substantial endowed fund is a useful and needed component of the Church’s finances. The annual Investment Return of this Fund can be appropriated by the Board for the general purposes of the Church as needed. The principal of the Fund in excess of its Investment Return can be appropriated by a vote of the Congregation for larger Church needs in conformance with the Church’s By-Laws.
Funding. The General Endowment Fund shall consist of donations made over time by donors. Any gift or donation made by any donor during life or at death with respect to which the donor directs that (i) the income is to be used by the Church for its general purposes (or similar direction), or (ii) it is to be held by the Church as part of the Church’s endowment fund (or similar designation), shall be added to the General Endowment Fund. If there is any doubt as to whether or not a gift or donation is intended to be added to that Fund, upon review and recommendation of the Finance Committee, the action of the Church’s Policy Board in determining the nature of the gift or donation shall be final and binding on all parties. Unrestricted gifts or donations made to the Church shall not be added to the General Endowment Fund, but at the direction of the Policy Board, on recommendation of the Finance Committee, shall be held in the Church’s General Fund or a Board Restricted Fund.
Related Funds. None.
Disbursements. Disbursements of the Fund’s annual Investment Return may be made from the Fund as directed by the Church Council, in conformance with the provisions of the Church’s By-Laws and other applicable policies. This Fund’s Investment Return shall be that amount which the Church Council deems appropriate on an annual basis to be expended for the general purposes of the Church that does not exceed seven percent (7%) for the 2013-14 operating year and five percent (5%) in later years of the fair market value of a thirteen quarter rolling average of the Fund’s assets as of the end of the March quarter preceding the fiscal year in which the amount is appropriated. Any annual Investment Return not distributed from the Fund in any year shall be added to the Fund’s Principal. Principal of the Fund in excess of its Investment Return can only be expended by a vote of the Council and Congregation in conformance with the By-Laws.