Kurt Johnson became a member of First UU Church on January 15, 2023. He recently moved to St. Louis from Evansville, Indiana, with his partner, Liz, who is a P. A. (Physician Assistant). He studied journalism and English while in college and for awhile pursued a career in journalism, then did corporate work, but realized he preferred volunteering as a soccer coach to his corporate job. When Liz had a job offer in St. Louis, Kurt decided this was the perfect opportunity to change his career; he now teaches English to juniors at Kipp STL High School, a life choice that is very important to him and gives him a sense of personal fulfillment, while also contributing to society. He says that teaching, in fact, is a “revelation to me: this is what I’m meant to do.”
Kurt’s religious background was Presbyterian and Church of Christ, but neither was a good fit: he has a nuanced take on religion and is not great with labels. Unitarian Universalism, as a community of social justice and spiritual freedom, is a much better fit. Universalism is especially important to him, and he has spent some time practicing Buddhist meditation. Here at First UU, Kurt particularly likes the sense of community and is looking forward to meeting new people.
Kurt’s interests include running (he’s done two marathons), cycling, swimming, music (he was in a punk rock band growing up), and reading (everything)!
Welcome Kurt!