Support for our Central West End Neighbors: Trinity Episcopal Church’s Food Ministry

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Support for our Central West End Neighbors:  

Trinity Episcopal Church’s Food Ministry

Trinity Episcopal Church, our CWE neighbor, created a Food Ministry many years ago to ease the burden of daily living for area individuals and families.  Trinity’s programming offers compassion and community along with food essentials to ease the burdens of the food insecure.  In recent years, Trinity adopted a “Choice Pantry” model that permits its clients to shop bimonthly for preferred food items.  Clients register their food preferences with Trinity to guide pantry stocking and donations.
The Social Responsibility committee coordinates First Church’s support of Trinity’s Food Ministry in several important ways including: monthly canned and dry food donations, monetary donations through our Designated Collection program, and twice-yearly meal preparation for Trinity’s Hot Lunch program.  
If you would like to help, please consider ongoing donations of any of the food items below or contact the Social Responsibility committee for other ways to make a difference.  Food donations may be left at the designated table in Fellowship Hall.
Please note that the Social Responsibility committee is unable to accept expired items or those in glass containers.  In both instances, items must be tossed due to potential health concerns or the risk of injury from broken glass.
Always Needed at the Trinity Pantry
Chicken – or other canned meats
Ramen Noodles
Peanut Butter – either smooth or crunchy
Boxed Cereals
Bar Soaps
Toothbrushes -- individually wrapped or up to four per package
Condiments -- salt, pepper, spices,
Cooking Oils 
Submitted by the Social Responsibility Committee:  Rosemary Lawton, Chair.  Members:  Dean Burns, Kay Dusenbery, Donald Jeffries and Kimberly Perry.