Young Adults 20/30s Group Bread Baking Saturday December 2nd 1pm
Young Adults 20/30s Group Bread Baking
Saturday December 2nd 1pm
Young Adults 20/30s Group Bread Baking
Saturday December 2nd 1pm
Our Congregational Outreach and Social Justice Initiative
by Gene Rubin and Dottie Kinscherf
On Sunday, October 1, 35 people met for our church’s first “Congregational Outreach and Community Engagement Summit.” Through presentations and group discussion – both large and small, participants talked about various aspects related to planning and engaging in social justice initiatives by our church. The two of us were invited to write a report about our impressions from this meeting.
Toxic Charity Book Discussion.
November 30, 6:30-8:30 PM on Zoom
At First Unitarian Church of St. Louis we celebrate Cornbread Communion on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Traditionally, the cornbread is made the night before by church members and friends.
Shop early for UU books and fair trade goodies! All proceeds will go to the Boston Trip Fund.